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电话: 86-769-81916636
传真: 86-769-81916636
姓名: sedenven
Ejoy Furniture Company Limited

   东莞市谊卓家具有限公司是一家专注于研发、生产、销售各种高、中档的现代化儿童家具及办公家具的私营企业。拥有自营进出口经营权,公司目前成功开发出:时尚、环保、***工学的家用儿童成长书桌/椅及学校成长课桌/椅系列产品。 创新、质量、服务、速度、诚信是我们永恒的主题,勇于攀登是我们永不变的奋斗精神。我们坚持让专业的人做专业的事,让事业吸引人,机制培养人,文化团结人,感情留住人,高级经营人才,富有创新意识的技术与管理精英。提供***竞争优势的产品是我们对客户的承若,追求品质的卓越、稳定是对自我的执着。...

主要产品/业务: Following host zhuo furniture Co., LTD. Is a focus on research and development, production, sales of all kinds of high, middle-grade modern children furniture and office furniture of private enterprise. Has the self-management import and export, the company successfully developed: fashion, the environmental protection, the household of human engineering children growth desk/chair and school desks/chair series product growth. Innovation, quality, service, speed, the good faith is the eternal the

Ejoy Furniture Company Limited / 广东 / Puxing West Road,#73 in Sanxing District of, Qingxi Town, (523000 ) / 电话:86-769-81916636

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